Singing Guide: Major Lazer

Singing Guide: Major Lazer

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Major Lazer is known for producing dancehall and electronic music that often features collaborations with various artists. Their unique sound incorporates elements from both genres and is characterized by heavy bass, synths, and reggae-inspired rhythms. In this article, we will discuss the vocal techniques that make Major Lazer's music so distinctive, as well as provide practical advice and Singing Carrots resources to help you learn how to sing like them.

To get started, it's essential to understand the importance of breath control when singing Major Lazer's music. Reggae-inspired rhythms and electronic beats require you to have a steady flow of air to keep up with the tempo and convey the rhythm's energy. Singing Carrots' breath support guide can help you improve breath control. To get an in-depth understanding of breathing, you can also try the Farinelli Breathing exercise.

Next, let's dive into Major Lazer's unique vocal style. Major Lazer's vocal style is heavily influenced by the Jamaican sound system culture, which emphasizes call and response, rhythm, and performance. The group often features guest artists on their tracks, which usually incorporate distinct vocal techniques. For example, "Lean On" featuring MØ is a perfect example of how Major Lazer uses vocal harmonies to create a catchy hook. Singing Carrots' singing course covers the topic of harmonies and can help you learn how to create your own vocal harmonies.

Another technique Major Lazer frequently uses has to do with vocal onsets. Glottal Onset is commonly used in Reggae music, and Major Lazer's tracks are not an exception. The Glottal Onset makes the vocals sound more percussive, and Singing Carrots offers a tutorial that can help you master this vocal technique.

Finally, it's worth noting that Major Lazer's music often incorporates a heavy use of vocal effects such as reverb, distortion, and autotune. Singing Carrots' blog discusses some of these vocal effects, including vocal distortion, and the singing course covers the importance of articulation and how to create various vocal effects.

In conclusion, singing like Major Lazer requires a strong emphasis on breath control, vocal onsets, harmony, and various vocal effects. By utilizing Singing Carrots' resources, including the singing course, exercises, and articles on related topics, aspiring singers can learn the unique vocal techniques required to sing songs like Major Lazer.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.